NEW PROMO: Eldamaran – Virus Null

„Virus Null“ is a risk, an experiment: Eldamaran explores various synthesizers, samples and beats on the long player, making use of various elements from jazz, pop and rock. Not only different musical styles shape Eldamaran’s work, different cultures also exert an influence on the pieces: Latin American percussion, Asian melodies and classical compositional approaches turn “Virus Null” into a tonally varied album with many facets and nuances. It remains clearly electronic, synthetic and modern.

Olexandr Moyerer is behind the Eldamaran project. Trained on the piano, Moyerer accompanies various orchestras and tours on the piano, he composes, arranges and produces many pieces himself. His familiarity with the composition and coordination of musical pieces also flows into his electronic music. The 16 pieces on “Virus Null” are well thought out and structured, but at the same time experimental, almost chaotic.

Digital only: „Virus Null“ will be released on October 29th, 2021 on MARA Records.